

Cuba, officially theRepublic of Cuba, is asovereign statecomprising the islands of Cuba,Isla de la Juventudand several archipelagosin theCaribbean Sea. The capital and largest cityHavana.Havana had a large number of shows, events, and casinos catering to tourists.Geographically, Cuba is considered part ofNorth Americaand culturally, it is considered part ofLatin America.The islandbecame a U.S. protectorate in 1898, andin 1902 itgained substantial independence. Between 1902 and 1959, many U.S. citizens lived in Cuba or frequently travelled to Cuba.

It is the largest island in the Caribbean, and the second-most populous afterHispaniola, with over 11 million inhabitants. It is a multiethnic country whosepeople,cultureand customs derive from diverse origins, including the aboriginalTaínoand Ciboneypeoples, the long period ofSpanish colonialism, the introduction ofAfrican slaves, and a closerelationship with the Soviet Unionin theCold War.

Cuba is ranked high inhuman developmentby the United Nations, and performs well inhealthandeducation.In 2015, it became the first country to eradicate mother-to-child transmission of HIV and syphilis, a milestone hailed by theWorld Health Organizationas "one of the greatest public health achievements possible".

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