Haifa International Airport

Haifa International Airport

Haifa isthethird-largest cityin theState of Israel.It ishome to theBahá'í World Centre, aUNESCOWorld Heritage Siteand a destination for Baha'i pilgrims.Built on the slopes ofMount Carmel, the settlement has a history spanning more than 3,000 years. The earliest known settlement in the vicinity wasTell Abu Hawam, a small port city established in theLate Bronze Age(14th century BCE).In the 3rd century CE, Haifa was known as a dye-making center.

Today, the city is a majorseaportlocated on Israel'sMediterraneancoastline in theBay of Haifacovering 63.7 square kilometres (24.6sqmi).The city plays an important role inIsrael's economy. It is also home toMatam, one of the oldest and largest high-tech parks in the country. Haifa Bay is a center of heavy industry, petroleum refining and chemical processing. Haifa formerly functioned as the western terminus of anoil pipeline from IraqviaJordan.

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