

It is located inSouth-Central Mexico. It is bordered by the states ofMéxicoto the north-east and north-west,Pueblato the east andGuerreroto the southwest.Morelos is the second-smallest state in the nation, just afterTlaxcala. It was part of the very large province then State of Mexico until 1869, whenBenito Juárezdecreed that its territory would be separated and named in honor ofJosé María Morelos y Pavón, whodefended the cityofCuautlafrom royalist forces during theMexican War of Independence. Most of the state enjoys a warm climate year-round, which is good for the raising ofsugar caneand other crops. Morelos has attracted visitors from theValley of MexicosinceAztectimes. Today, many people from Mexico City spend weekends in the state or own second homes there, especially in theCuernavacaarea.

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