
Rostov-on-Don is the city and the administrative center of {{Rostov Oblast}} and the Southern Federal District of Russia, located on the {{Don River}}, just 46 km from the {{Sea of Azov}}

Rostov-on-Donis a portcityand theadministrative centerofRostov Oblastand theSouthern Federal DistrictofRussia. It lies in the southeastern part of theEast European Plainon theDon River, 32 kilometers (20mi) from theSea of Azov. The southwestern suburbs of the city abut the DonRiver delta.Awesome facilities include seven stadiums, a Palace of Sports, a circus, a zoobotanical gardens and parks.Rostov-on-Don hosts the North Caucasian Science Center and research institutes. The city is also home to a Starbucks coffee chain, a true rarity in this geographical area of Russia.

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